Monday, August 14, 2006

Nice guys finish … #2

Anyone who read SAAK’s last post, he knows there aren’t that many of you, come to think of it, there probably aren’t that many of you now, but hey SAAK digresses… a lot, knows that SAAK met this very pretty girl not that long ago, but, such is SAAK’s existence “friends” was the order of the day.

Now SAAK quite likes this girl but being the nice guy accepted “friends” as fuck off and leave me alone, that’s fine, not the first girl who didn’t like him. So, in real life that should be all she wrote.

…but no, SAAK has spoken with, texted with and emailed with this girl on nearly a daily basis … this situation is well outside SAAK’s knowledge base, which, for all intents and purposes is admittedly very limited when it comes to females of the opposite sex.

The conundrum, the call of friends is out there, not been addressed since, SAAK can’t actually bring himself to say “is there more” or “come on, we’ve slept together” (sadly yes slept, but there are worse things) ..but by the same token does not want to perpetuate the whole many friends who are girls but never any girlfriends life …. Seriously considering leaving this whole nice guy thing behind, little to no good comes from it.
