SAAK woke up, much as he does every other day, fuck, here is another day that must be dealt with…. Okay.
He, as he usually does, goes to the shower…. And then FUCK…. There is a thing on SAAK’s hip, so he flails at it (SAAK, without his glasses is blind) to no avail. Calming down SAAK realises that this thing is upon his person.
Getting to work SAAK thinks, okay this is not good, random black things on you person are this side of good generally. He calls the local doctor…. Half and hour later someone answers, SAAK "can I make an appointment to see the doctor?" Random person "Who do you normally see" SAAK "Normally I’m not sick" Random girl "so you don’t have a regular doctor. SAAK "no, I’ve only been here a year". Random girl "Sorry we can’t help you, perhaps you should try…."
Okay, either business is really good, or this charlie has taken umbrage to SAAK’s humor. He call the other doctor, after 20 minutes someone answers. This woman ask is it urgent? SAAK "Well, I’m not bleeding to death, but, having failed my doctors degree I’m not sure"… again not sure if this woman has a sense of humor…. But 12.30 is the call.
SAAK rocks up at the doctors at 12.20 (hey he’s an accountant, normally at least on time). 1.06, the doctor can see you now… thank fuck for that… glad it’s not urgent.
The doctor (it must be prefaced now that SAAK has not seen a doctor in the last 10 year) promptly, after some kind of pressure thing tell SAAK that he has high blood pressure 150/90? Completely indifferent to the big black random bruise that SAAK has come in to talk about, suddenly SAAK is about to have a blood test and surgery to remove something from his back.
There is a reason SAAK’s not see a doctor for ten year….. not looking forward to seeing a dentist.a