Monday, October 31, 2005

common sense rules

Much Ado has suggested creating “a list of common sense rules for the world to live by”. Mainly because SAAK is a little on the selfish side, he thought his list would have a bit of a meish theme.

Therefore I bring you 5 rules SAAK would have liked to enforce over the past two days…

5) public transport is not designed to deal with broadsheet newspapers… AFR okay, SMH NO GOOD, do not sit next to SAAK and expect him to scrunch up against the window whilst you enjoy your morning paper.

4) if you happen to see SAAK walking down George St with his eyes firmly fixed on the ground 3 feet in front of him 1) he does not want a leaflet 2) he does not have a spare dollar 3) he neither needs nor wants to find god.

3) just because you have the dexterity to walk and text message at the same time, does not give you automatic right of way.

2) if you cannot control the speed or volume of you children, do not bring them with you to the pub of a Sunday afternoon.


1) if you must queue hop at the bar, do not order frou-frou drinks that will require the barmaid’s attention for in excess of 7 ½ minutes…


Blogger scaryasakitten said...

Hey cool, Spamy McSpam with useful tips. Now SAAK just needs a female of the opposite sex who is obviously blind, deaf and desperate to try out this new found wisdom.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

lmao what muffin said!! Great rules but i wanna check out the french kissing tips from spammy Mcspam!!

2:01 AM  
Blogger scaryasakitten said...

Hey Muffin, love the new digs. Hurrah for getting out of here soon and leaving the PT behind.

Thanks Steph. Sadly Spammy’s suggestion is purely academic and theoretical, no indication as to how one would find any practical application.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Red said...

I thought the top 5 common sense rules were supposed to be me-related... or maybe I just apply this theory to everything... I second your common sense rules cos these too may benefit me in the future.
P.S. If commuters feel the need to read the SMH who are you to question them? At least they're not reading the Telegraph!

4:33 PM  

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