Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Limbo – Just more Self indulgent shite …

SAAK has an excel sheet on his desktop with a count down clock, it reads 590 hours left in old Sydney town. But then what, there is no doubt in SAAK’s mind that he detests being in this town, but what if that is because he is in this town. What if, when he moves to the next place SAAK is still there?

Is it just Sydney, is it just the job, could it just be that SAAK has been lonely for a decade … there is family where he is going, will that help, or, alternatively is it just as likely to alienate him further .. it is not as though they know him .. they’ve only seen him two to three times a year for the past decade…. and rarely does the real SAAK come along (who ever that is).

Wow, what a self indulgent piece of absolut, (actually Stolichnaya inspired), clap trap that was. I hope, in the sober light of day, this does not pass the editor’s desk.

SAAK out


Blogger Steph said...

Get rid of the spammers first SAAK.

Listen, it's not Sydney. Sydney is da shizzle fo fizzle...or sumthin gangsta like that.

You're in a rut. The new move, starting over,all that, will be good for you.

4:33 PM  
Blogger scaryasakitten said...

Firstly SAAK is a boy and not that keen on doing work around the blog. He's more down with the blogeque and blogmowing.

and thanks, *has positive thoughts*

4:49 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

haha SAAK you lazy bugga. Can't you see the floor needs moping over there? Grot!

5:20 AM  

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