Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I've just read this, I strongly suggest you use your time more wisely

The days here in SAAKland are getting longer and longer and the nights drunker and drunker. I suppose the night thing might be seen as self induced, I don’t see that myself, it’s more a cause and effect and effect of the effect thing.

There is, however, a shining light on the SAAK horizon, my little sister is getting married at the end of the month and SAAK is going to put on his emcee hat. I am very happy for her, but having said that, as with most things, it causes SAAK to become somewhat introspective. Is it possible to die of lonely?

SAAK these days looks very much forward to returning to his parents home, five days of beer, barbeques, golf, euchre and more beer, but beer with people around, does not look so much like alcoholism when there are others around.

Just in case you were wondering if there actually is point to these ramblings, relax, there’s not, just have no desire to go home and talking aloud to one’s self always comes across just that little bit creepy.

The weirdest thing happens when SAAK goes to his parents place, the sads don’t follow, perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere, but life has sucked so much of the life out that the merest inkling of the notion of hope sends shudders of fear racing through SAAK’s person…..

I told you earlier that the was no point ……. But I agree, the least you could have expected was a stream of conscious thought. That’s okay I’m used to disappointing people.

*Blah blah blah blah blah*


Blogger Fluffy said...

Piss off scumlord spammer.

Here in FAACland things are just as ho-hum. Escaping to Sydney is going to be my 5 days of beer and skittles (or golf, whatevs). Only two more sleeps!

Re: Blah blah blah blah - blogging is a bit like being a late night radio DJ. You go on and on and convince yourself that you're just talking into the ether. But there's people listening. There always is.

3:40 PM  
Blogger scaryasakitten said...

Hi Fluffy, lovely of you to visit, just finished reading your SASW post and as you can tell I too suffer from the inability to satisfactorily end a post....

The only downside I can see to escaping Sydney is the coming back part, but that could just be me.. a lot of the time it's just me..

4:12 PM  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

I think a move to the country is in order. Don't forget to go on that rampage of work-related fire-bombing you've been promising me!!!

10:23 PM  

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